View our tech support page for your store in Rosemont to help you in configuring your Outlook, Android or Iphone.
You can access this service for your store in Rosemont by adding 'webmail.' In the beginning of your domain name. e.g.:
Make sure you have configured the SMTP server of your mobile services by default for your store in Rosemont. Certain phones allow you to insert more than one SMTP so that you have a backup in case the first server doesn't work.
A bad configuration in your e-mail servers might be the cause of your problem. You need to make sure you've entered the information we sent you for your store in Rosemont. If your configuration is ok, make sure you have access to the Internet. Open a browser, for example, Google Chrome, and try to visit a website.
Every e-mail we configure also has a webmail for your store in Rosemont you can use to access it. All you need is an internet connexion! To access your webmail, all you need to do is write 'webmail' in front of your domain name. Your domain name is what's written after the '@' of your e-mail. For example, if your e-mail is '', all you need to do is enter '' and you'll have access to your webmail. *Please take note that certain browsers might display a security warning. Don't be alarmed, you just need to proceed to gain access.
On our servers for your store in Rosemont, we limit files to 50 Mb. If you pass this quota, you'll get an error message. If that happens, you can try to compress your attachment in a .ZIP file. The maximum file size applies both when sending and receiving e-mails and can't be increased.
It's important to make a regular cleanup of your e-mails to free some space. Normally, with applications like Outlook for your store in Rosemont, it's easy to configure your system to clean up e-mails that are over 14 days old. By doing so, you're freeing storage space for the e-mails and you shouldn't have any future problems with this.
Yes, you can redirect an e-mail from your domain name to another e-mail for your store in Rosemont. All you need to do is ask!