A new visual and a management console dedicated to updating the website

This 4-star hotel entrusted Numé with the redesign of its website with the objectives of an improved customer experience and the implementation of functionalities to support the team in the daily management of the establishment.

Well established in the Montmagny region, the Hôtel l'Oiselière wanted to offer its customers an improved and practical formula for its online services. Our mandate was therefore to create a website capable of meeting these requirements. When the time comes to consult and reserve a room or a package, for example, it is essential to effectively guide the customer towards the right content. We already had a package developed specifically for hotels. We therefore adapted it to the needs of l'Oiselière. A clean design and a well-structured tree structure (website menu) so that the customer is able to quickly consult the different options available to them.

Subsequently, the website offers call-to-action buttons so that one can reserve, for example, a room or a package. The management console integrated into the website also allows the team to update content in real time. The customer is therefore aware of the latest changes or new features offered by the hotel. Whether you are a frequent or occasional Internet user, the website offers great autonomy, because the steps to carry out your intentions are simple and clearly visible. The result is better customer retention and a significant increase in reservations.


« As a representative of the Hôtel L'Oiselière Montmagny, I would like to express my greatest satisfaction with our experience with Numérique, the company that redesigned our website.

First, the results exceeded our expectations. We found the service incredibly simple and fast, two qualities any business would appreciate. A specific word for Stéphane, who was an excellent advisor throughout the process. He was able to respond to all our requests diligently and professionally, making the entire experience enjoyable.

The site that Numérique designed for us is easy to manage. We particularly like the fact that there is no need to call in a professional if we want to make additions or modifications. This is a valuable asset for our internal team.

Our customers love the new site. We have noticed a decrease in calls for information because all the answers to their questions are now on the website. It's a valuable time saver for us and a convenience for them.

The design of the site is chic and the user experience is smooth. This reflects our brand image and makes it easy for customers to browse and get what they are looking for. The quality-price ratio offered by Numérique is very good. For the services, the training time and the end result, we without hesitation give 5 stars to this competent and dedicated team.

Finally, I recommend Numérique to everyone, and especially to hoteliers who could benefit from the hotel package that the company offers. Our experience was very positive and we are convinced that this will be the case for you too. »

Olivier Lemieux
Director of Operations
Hôtel L'Oiselière

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