Monday, December 7, 2015
What evolves faster than the World Wide Web right now? I'm asking you... Who never watched the stars and thought about the light from those stars traveling billions of miles for billions of years to finally reach planet Earth? Did you know that what you're seeing might already be gone? You're probably asking yourself what my point is. The thing is, lots of stuff that's popular on the web today won't exist in a couple of years either. You can even bet that, when you'll put your new website online, that there are probably already new tools and trends which means you're already not fully up-to-date. No need to panic though and paranoïa isn't an option either! A website normally lasts around 2 to 3 years. Anything more than that and the Web would've already changed alot, and if you don't take steps to renew your image, people will notice you're missing the parade. If that starts happening after 2 to 3 years, imagine after 5, 7 or even 10 years! Might as well say you've disappeared like the dinosaurs 65 million years ago... A website is never really finished. It needs to change and adapt to its users and the latest rules/trends (search engines, social networks, etc.). Here's a guide to help you decide if it's time for you to update your website. By answering these questions, you can determine if it's time for you to upgrade this vital marketing and communication tool.How to know if I need to update my website?