5 steps to create quality content on your website

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

1 - Know your public

It's important to know who you're talking to and why they're visiting your website when you create content.

Let's take, for example, Gabrielle, a small veterinary office in a small town. 

Who's her public: people who love and want to make sure their animals are healthy.

What kind of problems can they encounter: most of the time, when they go at the veterinary office, their animals are sick, so you can bet they're stressed out, sad and have a feeling of urgency.

What are they looking for: services, health information about animals, cost, opening hours, address.

2 - Offer solutions

Once you've found your public, use your know-how to answer the questions your clients have.

For example, you might want to keep some space for an important message like "You have an emergency? our team is available 24/7 to take care of your pet.".

3 - Think about your content before publishing it

It's important to analyse what your clients are expecting, don't hesitate to make a draft. Make sure your message is loud and clear, understood and fits with your company's mission.

4 - Some tips on how to emphasize your important content

  • Make sure you use lists instead of long paragraphs;
  • Attract your customers' attention by using fun and striking titles for your page names;
  • Use short and sweet sentences;
  • Don't forget to read back your content.

5 - Ask for some help

Two heads are better than one! Before promoting your website, ask someone you know and trust to be honnest and let you know what they think.

  • Is the message loud and clear?
  • Is it interesting to read?
  • Is there anything missing?
  • Is it too technical?
  • They might also find additional mistakes that you didn't find when you proof-read your text.
