Web Packages
for your insurance broker in Iqaluit for a great website at a fraction of the price

FUJI basic

The least expensive option. Start your ascent with a professional-quality site for your insurance broker in Iqaluit. The Fuji contains only a single page and does not have a content management console. However, it is an excellent starting point for startup businesses in Iqaluit.


K2 médian

Go further and take control of your site. Enjoy the CMS (Content Management System) that allows for complete website management for your insurance broker in Iqaluit. The K2 package includes 4 pages: the homepage, a contact page with a form, and 2 additional pages of your choice.



Additional tools to reach new heights. In addition to offering all the benefits of the K2 package for your insurance broker in Iqaluit, our achievements module is integrated with the Everest peak. Showcasing your projects will be a breeze! You will also be able to manage news, events, and send newsletters.


EVEREST zénith

You have reached the pinnacle of your ascent. This is our most comprehensive package for your insurance broker in Iqaluit. More freedom, more possibilities, more modules, and more features. The numerous integrated modules cater to most businesses that want a website tailored to their needs.



Designed for municipalities, our console allows you to display your calendar, collection schedules, minutes, council meetings, municipal regulations, and more. Integrate our "Paperless Council" module into your website to create your council meeting documents online.



Sleep easy with our Hotel packages in Iqaluit! Showcase all the charm of your inn or hotel in Iqaluit! Link your rooms and packages to your booking system. Display attractions and activities on-site or nearby. Offer your gift cards online with our simplified form.



Packages to meet the needs of spas and wellness centers in Iqaluit. Choose a simple online showcase or offer users a complete experience with promotions, packages, an image gallery, a newsletter system, gift card purchases, and more.




We have designed this website for both a small residence in Iqaluit with a few rooms or a larger-scale complex in Iqaluit. You will be able to showcase your services and apartments in Iqaluit. You can choose a basic website or add à la carte options to enhance your offering.
