Thursday, July 6, 2017
In April 2016, Michelle Blanc published an article in her blog warning us about DIY websites. In her article, she was targeting Wix, and other companies offering the same kind of solution. Well, one year later, we've come to realize that these problems still exist and are quite real! Last May, someone approached us to update their website. She mentioned that she's currently using one of these platforms and wants a quote to build tools to help her perform even better. Basically, she needs more freedom! Great! That's what we do! Hold on... after analyzing her file, we've learnt that her domain name doesn't belong to her, but to the company currently hosting her current website and doesn't want to give it back... Result: everyone's pulling their hair and we have to build a new website from scratch on a new domain name. You can imagine how happy our client was... Miss Blanc warned everybody about these problems over a year ago: "[...] you're basically renting their services with all the inconveniences that come with rentals. Also, if ever you decide to someday get your own website, you might lose large parts, maybe even everything, of all your work and costs wasted on your DIY website." So if you were thinking about using these kinds of services, we highly recommend you think twice. The results for our client will be devastating. Let's just say she lost alot by wanting to "simplify"! Here's what the consequences were for this particular client: Basically, lots of time, effort and money wasted... Don't fall for the same mistake they did and get informed on what exactly happens if you want to leave!
COstly consequences...