Be responsive to your Facebook messages!

Monday, July 4, 2016

For a couple of months now, Facebook has added the response time on company pages. The average response time goes from minutes, to hours or days.

To help people get an idea as to how responsive a specific page is, Facebook created a badge to show when a page is Very responsive, which, if you're able to get it, might help you be more visible to your fans. The badge is displayed below your profile picture.

What can I do to get this badge?

Surprise! You have to be very responsive, all the time. 

On Facebook's Help page, they mention:

PTo get the badge below your profile picture, you must have done one of the following in the last 7 days:

  • reach a response rate of over 90%;
  • reach an average response rate of 5 minutes.

That might be hard for some pages, especially if your clients come from various time zones. But do not fear, there is a solution: mark yourselves as being "away". By doing so, Facebook won't count any requests made while you're away. So if ever you're in a meeting, too busy or just sleeping, marking yourself as away is a good way to help your company keep your "Very responsive" badge.


MEven if you don't get your "Very responsive" badge, your average response time is still displayed. Take note however that you can manage this time to increase it so that your visitors don't always expect an answer within a couple of minutes. For example, you can go from "a couple of minutes" to "a couple of hours", depending on your strategy.
