Google is adding interesting new statistics in Analytics

Friday, May 13, 2016

For a while now, we were always looking for a simple way to see how someone reached our website and what they were doing once there. Google's latest update will now allow us to merge statistics from our Search Console directly in our Google Analytics reports.

In a couple of weeks, we'll be able to compare our sites performances by analyzing data, such as impressions and average position and comparing them with Analytics statistics, for example, sessions, page views, etc.

Here's a list of what we should be able to do: 

  • Find landing pages that attract lots of visitors via organic search, but that once on that page, they don't engage elsewhere on the website. In cases like these, we'll know we have to make changes to our landing page to improve its performances.
  • Find landing pages that have a high rate of engagement, but don't attract lots of users via organic search. In this case, we'll have to take a look at our META tags. 
  • Find which organic queries work well for each landing page.
  • Segment organic performances per device (desktop, tablet or mobile) in the new Devices report.

As we mentioned earlier, we'll have access to this data in the next couple of weeks. We're convinced that these new statistics will go a long way in helping us improve our various campaigns even more efficiently. 
