The perfect destination for any outdoor enthusiast. That's Terfa's main objective.

The design had to reflect this reality. The website was built according to the customer's graphical charter. A sleek design where beautiful images compliment it perfectly. At first sight, you discover just how big a territory it is. A playground that any nature enthusiast will enjoy. First step done, now onto the next part of the project.

Lots of other objectives had to be considered to make sure Terfa reaches their goals. This project was much more complex than just redoing the look of their website.

Eventhough they merged two different organisms into one (Canyon des Portes de l'Enfer and the Réserve faunique Duchénier), it was imperative that they each keep their own identity. Therefore, they each had their own section on the website. We can find all the information of each organism specifically there. Two other attractions are also available for outdoor enthusiasts. The website puts up front all the various activities you can do in the region, including on-site accomodations.


The transactional aspect was an important part of this re-do. Now that users have access to all their various activities, they had to make sure they can all book their stay or purchase something online directly, which is basically good user experience (UX) and what visitors are expecting nowadays. Call-to-action buttons and online booking forms are now available online. Terfa's main goal was to increase traffic and revenue from its website.

Another important aspect: the drawings for the available packages. So that hunting and fishing fans can test their luck, they needed to have quick access to the crucial information about the random draws. On every page of the website, we put a link to bring visitors to the page that contains all the information they need.

Having a great design is crucial to seduce your visitors, but behind all that bling is a well-oiled machine. Our SoftSystem CMS (Content Management System) is all but ordinary! Integrated in all our websites, it gives Terfa all the tools they need to be independant when managint their website. There are also various modules available such as one to manage their packages, events, attractions, latest news, etc. Terfa can also, of course, update the content of their pages, view statistics and even send newsletters directly in our system. The list is long and possibilities are endless. Each project has its own needs and our CMS is able to answer every single one of them.

Tourisme Côte-Nord          L'Oiselière          Kingsey Falls