How to build a website worthy of 2018? Be fast, efficient and responsive!

How to build a website worthy of 2018? Be fast, efficient and responsive!

Friday, May 11, 2018

The Internet gets bigger and bigger everyday because more and more businesses are online. A sea of information and products are now available, so the least you could do is optimize your user experience on your own website to entice your visitors to stay, and especially buy!

Here are some tricks to help you retain your customers on your website

Have a responsive website

For the last couple of years, the way we access the Web has changed dramatically. In 2014, around 10-12% of Canadians browsed the Web on a mobile device. Today, we're talking about 33% of Canadians who do it. Don't miss the boat, make sure you have a responsive website!

I know we've been saying that for a while now, but we still find lots of websites that still aren't optimized for mobile. Just to make things clear, we're really talking about RESPONSIVE websites, not mobile-only versions of a website. Why responsive over mobile-only versions? Because Google recommend's it!

Many users aren't satisfied with how websites are displayed on their mobile devices, which means that 57% of people wouldn't recommend a company that have a poor quality mobile website. Make sure you invest some energy and keep some money in your budget for this!

A fast website

Your website needs to be displayed quickly, especially on mobile devices. 57% of people abandon websites if they can't see the content in 3 seconds or less. Yes, THREE seconds! And because of that, 80% of these people won't ever come back to your website.

For desktop users, it's ok if it takes more time because users are generally in less of a hurry, but still, it's not an excuse to make sure your website is lightning fast.

Having clean content

To really appreciate your website, it shouldn't contain too much information at one place. The days where everything needed to fit at first glance on your home page are long gone. Now, you need to clean up everything: your menu, your content, the number of pictures, etc. Even the government is now taking time to simplify all their websites to make them easier to use.

So there you go! Simple tricks that will make sure your website will rock in 2018 and beyond!