Paper or not? That is the question!

Paper or not? That is the question!

Thursday, November 26, 2015

Do you remember when The Movie Network first came on the air in the 80s? It really was a revolution at the time! Starting there, you didn't need to leave the house anymore to go see a movie! All you needed was to subscribe, check the guide and pick the perfect time for the whole family. Some people were affraid that it would be the end of video stores and movie theaters! Thirty years later, you can still see long line-ups to see the latest Star Wars. Same thing when trying to rent the latest movie at the video store, you have to get up pretty early in the morning to make sure you get a copy!

So what about paper ads?  With the arrival of the web, tablets and smartphones, consumer habits have changed, so marketing strategies needed to change also to take into account this new reality. Even with all that, you still need paper ads! Magazines, pamphlets, mass mailings, etc. All these things are still part of our daily lives. They still have an impact for companies as you can see in these studies.

Normally, when reading a magazine or a newspaper, you're less likely to be distracted by something else. Why is that? Because there are practically no external distractions. On the other hand, when browsing the web, e-mails, pop-up ads, social network sharing, text messages and everything in between all are a factor that can distract a user and bring them elsewhere. Your ad is dilluted with all that other information. You can bet that these diversions have an impact on your ad's efficiency.

That being said, a successfull marketing strategy combines both. You need the right balance between web ads and traditional media. Learn exactly who your customers are and adapt your strategy accordingly. A younger audience is mostly on the web, which should impact your strategy. If you're looking to attract people over 65, you might want to re-think your ad campaign and invest a little more in traditional media. Basically, know your customers and pick a strategy that's adapted to where they are.

Paper ads isn't near from extinct. Menus, brochures, pamphlets and business cards all have their place in today's marketing strategies.